hand skin

A crepey skin usually grows thin and looks finely wrinkled. Although it has many similarities to wrinkles, crepey skin does not necessarily occur as a result of old age. Crepey skin is most noticeable in larger areas of the skin that look and feel thinner and fragile. Unfortunately, crepey skin is a common and frustrating sign of the aging process.

For you to avoid having crepey skin, it is crucial that you understand its causes and how to avoid it.

Causes of Crepey Skin

Sun Damage

Sun damage is the primary cause of crepey skin, but not the only one. The UV rays from the sun break down a compound in your skin called collagen, which is responsible for keeping the skin tight. When this compound is broken down, then the skin becomes loose, thin, and wrinkled.


Age is another factor that could lead to crepey skin. As you age, your body produces less collagen, and thus, your skin continuously loses its tight features becoming loose and wrinkled. With age, your skin also reduces the amount of oil it produces, causing your skin to become dry hence making your skin to show signs of crepey skin.

How to Avoid Crepey Skin

Avoid sun damage on your skin

You can avoid crepey skin by avoiding direct sunlight for extended periods of time. Prevent your skin from sun damage by staying away from the sun as much as you can and when it is inevitable to be under the sun ensure that you apply sunscreen and wear protective clothing.

Moisturize your skin

Keep your skin hydrated. There are various ways to ensure that your skin remains hydrated; you can make use of moisturizers and lotions. Products with glycerin and hyaluronic acid are recommended as they assist in locking in the moisture in your skin. Drinking tons of water can also go a long way in ensuring your skin remains moisturized and thus prevent and reduce crepey skin.

Eat a well-balanced diet

Eating a healthy diet with antioxidants is another way to go. You are looking to increase the production of collagen in your body, and vitamins like A, C, D, and E, plus omega 3 and antioxidants will help your skin the natural ingredients it needs to look healthy and glossy.

Make sure you take nutrients that assist your skin with collagen production as that will help you prevent the likelihood of developing crepey skin. Eating foods full of antioxidants may not yield noticeable results but will surely help prevent collagen breakdown over time.

DIY Home remedies

Home remedies are also a handy option to prevent and treat crepey skin. These include;

  • Engaging in physical exercises
  • Massaging your face, hands, and legs
  • Using a home-made scrub made of sugar and olive oil to exfoliate
  • Engaging in stress-reducing activities like workouts
  • Hydrating your skin using a home-made moisturizer, made of mud and honey

Note: It is essential to consult with a specialist (dermatologist) before you decide on a treatment method for crepey skin, especially using the home remedies.

Final Thoughts

Looking good is everyone’s dream regardless of the woes that come with aging. Having loose, wrinkled skin around your body may make you feel self-cautious with low self-esteem, but as outlined above, it is possible to avoid developing crepey skin. Visit thedermreview.com to get the best treatment for crepey skin.