Old Home Renovation

Buying a new house which has a lot of history often means a few tweaks here and there to get everything back in order. Buying old and renovating can be cheaper but take more time, especially if you are planning on increasing the value of the property. One thing which often increases the value of a property as well as the aesthetics and warmth of the house, is not replace the radiator systems. The fact of the matter is that with an old house, you are often faced with an outdated and sometimes dilapidated water system which needs a lot of work to be efficient. Here are some tips on upgrading your old house’s water and heating system.

Why upgrade the heating system?

If you have moved to a new home which needs a lot of renovation work, the heating system will probably be outdated, if it even works at all. Victorian homes had heating systems but they were primitive in design, so making sure that you make the upgrade to keep your home efficient and warm.

Heating systems were introduced in the early 20th century

Throughout much of the 19th century, old houses relied on their fireplaces for warmth. After the 1910’s however, this all changed with the introduction of steam and hot water systems in the home. These of course, were very primitive but did ensure that there was efficient heat during the colder climates.

Cast Iron radiators

One of the first radiators that were introduced in the late 19th century were the cast iron radiator from the American Radiator Company. These designs used the previous prototype which dates back to Franz San Galli’s design from the 1850’s and updated them to be cheaper to manufacture and more efficient. Unfortunately, these can quickly go out of date and the metal will rust over time.

Replacing your cast iron radiators with modern versions

Designer radiators can be found in many different shapes and sizes. One way of renovating your old home is to replace the old cast iron models with a more flexible and modern design. Make sure to keep it in keeping with your home’s style though.

Vintage finish but efficient material

There are plenty of designer radiators on the market today which give the impression of a classic model. With many finishes and materials to choose from, the cast iron shape is still one of the most exciting on the market.

Does your window have a draft?

Installing a radiator under a window will mean you can defend against any drafts in your home. Old renovated properties windows are some of the worst culprits for bad drafts and cold spots in the home. This is why installing a radiator under your drafty window can help to circulate warm air which piggy backs into the room on the draft.

Underfloor heating

Underfloor heating may be an extensive task to undertake, but can really do wonders for your homes heating efficiency. You can choose from electric or “dry” UFH or for water pipe based or “wet” UFH systems. Each has their own properties but will undoubtedly increase the efficiency and comfort of your renovated home. One of the reasons for this is that the fact that heat rises from the floor makes for a more efficient system and makes for more comfort on a day to day basis.